The brand was created by the CEO of Benton as a method to help his brother who was suffering from various skin conditions, allergies, and sensitivities.
Benton cosmetics is not tested on animals and only produced in small batches, ensuring the products are always fresh and effective.
La calma es la cuna del poder cuando viene en pequeñas parcelas como esta. La menta verde antiinflamatoria puede someter tu mente agitada a una calma silenciosa. Mientras tu mente medita, inhala esta graciosa menta atada con la suavidad de lavanda y lima adornada con la fragancia ortodoxa de pomelo.
Nerolidol is a natural sesquiterpenoid found in various essential oils of plants such as jasmine, ginger, lavender, and sandalwood tree. It appears as a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a floral, woody aroma. This compound is appreciated in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its pleasant fragrance and its ability to act as a fixative in perfume formulations. In addition to its use in perfumery, nerolidol also displays antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in traditional medicine and in scientific research for the development of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Its versatility and potential health benefits make it a valuable ingredient in a variety of industrial and commercial applications.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Explora los múltiples beneficios de la bita cola y descubre cómo este tesoro natural puede transformar tu vida, proporcionando bienestar y salud de manera sostenible y efectiva.
Please contact us to get All Natural line which consist of:
Blooming Lifting Cream
Blooming Lifting Eye Cream
Blooming Lifting Essence
Blooming Lifting Toner
Blooming Lifting Emulsion
Most products in this line are vegan and natural, formulated with Centaurea Cyanus flower water as the key ingredient.
Natural origin tocopherol or vitamin E has a whole host of cosmetic applications due to its cell protective properties. In addition to helping to maintain hydration and protect from UV radiation damage, it has no irritating effects on the skin. It is a powerful antioxidant, allowing to extend the cosmetics’ life that contain it in its formula.
CAS:54-28-4 (GAMMA) / 16698-35-4 (BETA) / 10191-41-0 (DL) / 119-13-1 / 1406-18-4 / 1406-66-2
EINECS:200-201-5 / 240-747-1 / 233-466-0 / 204-299- 0 /215-798-8 / - / 218-197-9 / 200-412-2 / 232-273-9
Ponemos a su disposición nuestro extenso catálogo de bolsas para la compra, bolsas para feria, mochilas promocionales, bolsas ecológicas para personalizar con el logotipo de su empresa
Haurtzaroan oliba-olio birjina estraren onurak agerikoak dira, batez ere, gure bizitzako oinarrizko etapa nagusirako. “Haurren” olio birjina estra txikientzat bereziki garatu da. Hasierako heltze fasean arbequina barietateko olibaekin bakarrik egina, heldutasun-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, olioari zapore leuna eta fruta freskoaren usainak ematen dizkio. Bere zaporea oso atsegina da haurrentzat, azidotasun baxuagatik (< 0,2º) ezin hobea da, eta digestio onaren alde egiten du. Goi mailako oliba arbequinatik lortzen da zuzenean, eta mekanikoki garai egokian bilduta. prozedurak eta hotzeko artezketa. Iragazi gabe eta dekantatze prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez, zapore leun eta fruitutsua lortzen da, eta horrek kolesterola prebenitzen laguntzen du, eta olio birjinetan dauden antioxidatzaile naturalak mantentzen ditu. Olio aproposa da porridge, pure,... gehitzeko eta modu honetan dieta mediterraneoaren onurak zure lehen errezetetan sartzeko.
These surfactants are known for their ability to reduce the surface tension of water and improve the dispersion capacity of substances. They are widely used as emulsifiers, wetting agents and stabilizers in products such as detergents, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and industrial cleaning products. Tergitols are valued for their effectiveness in formulating products that require efficient cleaning, emulsification and dispersion, contributing to the quality and performance of a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Cinnamic aldehyde is an organic compound that occurs as a colorless liquid with an intense and sweet aroma, reminiscent of the smell of cinnamon. It is widely used in the perfumery and fragrance industry due to its warm and spicy fragrance, which provides distinctive and exotic notes to aromatic compositions. This aldehyde is valued for its ability to improve the depth and character of perfumes, also acting as a fixative that helps prolong the duration of the aroma on the skin. In addition to its use in perfumery, cinnamic aldehyde has applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries, where it is used as a flavoring additive and as a component in the synthesis of certain medications. Its distinctive aromatic profile and multiple uses make it an essential ingredient in the formulation of a wide range of commercial and consumer products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
It comes from the pressing of cocoa liquor or paste and is a basic ingredient in the production of chocolate and confectionery products. It is also used in the cosmetics sector.
See the three (3) 100% deodorised and two (2) natural butter options available, according to your requirements.
• Blocks (solid) 25 Kg
• Liquid in Bulk (Tanks)
For more information about our products, technical data sheets, and/or distribution, please consult our sales team. We will be pleased to serve you and present you with options adapted to your requirements.
Available Sizes
Other Thicknesses: No
Table: No
CANU is a leading company in the transformation and marketing of Natural Stone, specializing in the execution of high-level architectural and construction projects. Based in Almería, Spain, we have our own quarry, which allows us to fully manage the process of extraction, selection, and transformation of materials, ensuring quality control at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability sets us apart, enabling us to offer Natural Stone products that meet the most demanding standards of the global market.
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
Tiene múltiples utilidades debido a sus propiedades únicas
1. Agricultura y Horticultura: Utilizada como medio de cultivo para plantas, ya que retiene bien el agua y proporciona un entorno aireado para las raíces. También utilizada como cobertura del suelo para mantener la humedad, reducir la erosión y controlar las malezas.
2. Jardineria : Empleada en la fabricación de macetas y cestas colgantes por su capacidad de retener humedad y proporcionar un buen drenaje.
3.Productos Industriales
Cuerdas y Cables: La fibra de coco es resistente y duradera, lo que la hace ideal para la fabricación de cuerdas y cables.
Sacos y Alfombras: Utilizada en la confección de sacos, tapetes, y alfombras, debido a su resistencia y durabilidad.
4.Mallas de control de erosión. Utilizadas en proyectos de estabilización de suelos y protección de taludes.
5. Aislamiento acústico y térmico Utilizada en la construcción por su capacidad para amortiguar el sonido y aislar térmicamente.
Pure Gloss es la innovadora coloración demipermanente de Glossco Professional.
Su fórmula con pH ácido se convertirá en el servicio más demandado en el salón al combinar a la perfección coloración y tratamiento dando como resultado un brillo intenso.
Su exclusiva fórmula sin amoniaco, con Vitamina C y ácido hialurónico proporciona al cabello un cuidado único en un solo servicio, con una duración entre 15 y 20 lavados.
Reconstruye e hidrata el cabello en profundidad. Brillo y fuerza sin precedentes
Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico. Precio con TRANSPORTE INCLUIDO.
Raibow.Zero Shampoo, formulado con rooibos, está diseñado para dar más vida a los cabellos coloreados, decolorados o con mechas. Acción antioxidante.
Rainbow.Zero Shampoo es un champú creado con el objetivo de cuidar y mantener el color en cabellos coloreados, decolorados o con mechas. Este tipo de cabellos necesitan de cuidados específicos para mantener el color intacto por más tiempo. Además, los cabellos teñidos tienden a estar más secos, por lo que necesitan productos específicos para nutrirlos y protegerlos.
Formulado con rooibos, Rainbow.Zero Shampoo es un potente antioxidante natural, muy rico en nutrientes como las vitaminas B y C, que retrasan el envejecimiento del cabello y protegen el color en los cabellos teñidos por más tiempo.
Además, Rainbow.Zero Shampoo incorpora Filtro UV, que protege el cabello de los efectos del sol, que tiende a dejar el cabello más seco y acelera la pérdida de color en los cabellos teñidos. Gracias a la protección del Filtro UV, el pelo se mantiene protegido de los rayos solares y más hidratado.
El cuidado de la zona íntima es una necesidad y nuestros productos hacen que sea un ritual de belleza muy placentero. Orgánicos y con ingredientes certificados, tenemos una variedad de marcas y productos dedicados a cuidar la zona íntima.
Natural linalool is a terpene compound present in numerous essential oils, such as lavender, bergamot, coriander and basil. It appears as a colorless liquid with a soft, floral and slightly citrus aroma. This compound is highly appreciated in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its ability to provide fresh and floral notes to fragrances, improving the complexity and aromatic balance of formulations. Additionally, natural linalool has calming and relaxing properties, making it popular in personal care products, such as lotions, creams, and massage oils, for its beneficial effects on the skin and overall well-being. It is also used in the food industry as a natural flavoring, adding an aromatic touch to various products. Its natural origin and multiple applications make it a valuable and versatile ingredient in a wide range of products.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Available sizes: 60x20 – 2.5/4cm
At our plant in Macael, we carry out the selection and treatment of materials such as marble, limestone, sandstone, and travertine, used in cladding, facades, flooring, and outdoor projects. Customization is key to our approach: we manufacture tailor-made products such as countertops, shower trays, and natural stone sinks, which add exclusivity and elegance to each project. Additionally, we offer solutions for landscaping and gardening, including paving stones and masonry, ideal for durable and aesthetically impactful outdoor projects.
AOVE seleccionado especialmente para chefs y cocina de alta gama. Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico de calidad superior, obtenido de aceitunas seleccionadas y cultivadas en olivares propios bajo prácticas sostenibles y sin pesticidas. El proceso de extracción en frío permite conservar al máximo las propiedades organolépticas del aceite, preservando su intenso sabor afrutado y beneficios para la salud. Perfecto para ensaladas, salsas y como toque final en platos gourmet, su perfil único lo convierte en una elección esencial para consumidores conscientes de la salud y el medio ambiente.
Tripas de cordero entubadas
Es ideal para embutido fresco y curado:
Frankfurt, salchicha, chistorra.
·Se sirven en: Madejas o entubado (Rígido o flexible).
·Calidad: AAB, AB O A.
·Metraje: 80m y 90m.
18/20 – 20/22 – 22/24 – 24/26
Potassium silicate is an inorganic compound formed by the reaction of silicon oxide (SiO2) and potash (K2CO3). It occurs as a colorless liquid or an aqueous solution with alkaline properties. This compound is widely used in various industries due to its ability to form protective films and improve fire resistance in construction materials. In addition, it is used as a stabilizing agent and additive in products such as detergents, cements, adhesives and coatings. In agriculture, potassium silicate is used as a fertilizer to strengthen plants, increase their resistance to diseases and improve the absorption of nutrients from the soil, thus contributing to increased agricultural productivity.
CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC